All The Words On The Screen

Entertainment Giants

You can be doing better

Entertainment Giants

You can be doing better

Adding a QR code on pause

In lieu of personnel auditing captions, an automated way for viewers to submit alerts or issues is by adding a QR code that shows on pause.

On Platforms that support Closed Captioning.

For Existing Content

Create a method for viewers to report captioning opportunities. Hire personnel to review content to ensure captioning parity with audio.

For New Content

Empower the content manager to ensure all new media being supplied contains accurate captioning before distribution.

On Platforms that do not support Closed Captioning.

For Existing Content

Re upload content with subtitles. If possible, notate existing content to promote new subtitled content.

For New Content

Empower the content manager to ensure all new media being supplied contains accurate subtitles before distribution.

If having subtitles on all video content is deemed distracting, consider creating a secondary channel specifically dedicated to subtitles.

Additionally, if you're distributing content on platform(s) that do not support Closed Captioning, perhaps consider using your massive influence to help wield positive change.


Larger audienceMore inclusive

A larger, more inclusive audience? Only generates more ad revenue, is good PR, and ultimately the right move ethically.

Larger audience

More inclusive

A larger, more inclusive audience? Only generates more ad revenue, is good PR, and ultimately the right move ethically.